vProtect 3.2 (“Gravity”) – new release

Let us introduce a new child of vProtect team.
vProtect 3.2 adds new backup capabilities for Citrix environments.Now you will be able to use XenServer 7.3 Changed Block Tracking featureto boost your incremental backups. vProtect is now also able to mount Citrixbackups on the vProtect Nodes without the need to restore it to the XenServer.One can also exclude selected VM disks from backup (Citrix).
Proxmox users will now also be able to configure compression of their backups.For RHV/oVirt environments. This release also adds option to freeze filesystemsbefore snapshot creation.
This release also optimizes integration related functions used by backup providers,adds instant notifications for failed backups and provides multiple enhancementsin the web UI.
* New: Changed Block Tracking support for XenServer 7.3+* New: option to exclude selected VM disks from backup (Citrix)* New: file-level restore for Citrix XenServer* New: file-level restore for KVM (stand-alone) and Xen (legacy)* New: quiesced-snapshot (Citrix)/file system freeze before snapshot (RHV/oVirt) option on VM level* New: instant notification about recently failed backups* New: UI enhancements and optimizations* New: compression options for Proxmox* New: backup provider integration optimizations