Storware vProtect 4.2 NOVA released

Time to speed up! Take advantage of forever-incremental backups and much faster restores. Meet security requirements and make life easier for backup administrators with Role Based Access Control (RBAC).

What new features will you get with Storware vProtect 4.2?

A brand new vProtect 4.2 release adds a synthetic backup provider based on XFS which allows forever-incremental backups and significantly faster restores. This release also introduces RBAC system-level roles to give administrators more control over vProtect security. User groups and roles enable administrators to specify which actions and views are accessible to users, either by using built-in roles or defining their own.

For oVirt/Red Hat Virtualization/Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager distributions two transfer optimizations have been added: BZIP2 compression when using SSH Transfer and direct transfers to/from hypervisors in Disk Image Transfer strategy. Both should result in even faster backups. Additionally, for these environments, vProtect received the option to easily configure metadata DB backups directly from the hypervisor manager’s section.

Version 4.2 adds snapshot-management for Ceph RBD Storage Provider and SMB support for Nutanix Files. Finally, the management interface received additional notifications related to VDO space occupancy, transfer rate charts, inventory synchronization statuses.

Check the documentation for all functionalities and see what the software architecture for version 4.2 looks like.

Storware vProtect - backup and recovery solution - data flow

Detailed changes

  • New: Synthetic file-system backup provider using XFS
  • New: RBAC – system-level roles and user groups
  • New: Storage Providers – Nutanix Files – SMB shares support
  • New: RHV/oVirt/OLVM – metadata DB backup setup from Hypervisor Manager details pane
  • New: RHV/oVirt/OLVM 4.3+ – Disk Image Transfer now supports direct transfers to/from hypervisors
  • New: RHV/oVirt/OLVM – data compression during transfer with BZIP2 for SSH Transfer
  • New: Connectivity test action for Backup Destinations
  • New: Connectivity test action for Virtualization Platforms
  • New: Hyper-V multithreaded import during restore
  • New: RHV/oVirt UI plugin update – now reflecting vProtect Main menu and views and with additional reporting
  • New: Web UI – transfer rate charts
  • New: email notifications – when VDO runs out of space
  • New: inventory synchronization status for Virtualization Platforms
  • New: inventory synchronization status for Storage Providers

With Storware vProtect, our focus is on introducing useful features that truly improve data protection processes, automate backup and restore tasks, and ensure the highest standards of reliability. Get your copy and test it yourself!  Choose the vProtect free version that supports up to 10 VMs or unlock the full potential of vProtect with a 60-day TRIAL version! Remember that you get support for all available hypervisors under one license! vProtect aims to provide companies with unparalleled flexibility in designing and implementing data backup strategies. No matter if you manage virtual environments based on open, commercial, or mixed solutions, vProtect supports all under one license.

text written by:

Angelika Jeżewska, CMO at Storware