
Backup Strategies for Scale Computing Virtualization Platform


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MAY 18th 2022 - 3:00 PM (CEST)
3:00 PM (CEST)

Explore the Scale Computing virtualization platform and its approach to simplifying hyper-converged infrastructure deployment in organizations. However, as awareness of cyber threats grows, the data protection layer in the modern data center must extend beyond snapshots and replication.

Easy to say? Not this time! Storware Backup and Recovery seamlessly integrates and enhances backup and disaster recovery for HC3 virtual environments by:
-> Easy integration, providing access to robust data protection functionalities.
-> Choosing the optimal backup strategy
-> Tasks automation
-> Storing data in multiple locations – 3-2-1 backup strategy? No problem!
-> Optimizing backup window based on performance reports
-> Fast and hassle-free data recovery and more!

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