
Extend your backup capabilities. Re-use the data

Modern Data Protection

What is the difference between traditional and modernized approach to data protection

The modernized approach to data protection, including: data backup, data recovery and the benefits that result from the re-use of data is a game changing solution for your business.

Traditional data protection was just a backup (a simple copy of the data). Its usefulness is currently being questioned. On the one hand, we try to minimize the costs of cold storage – using tapes, for instance. On the other hand, we have the feeling that data that is not used is dead. Therefore, a modern approach to data protection has brought new opportunities to use this data.

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The main purpose of the backup is the ability to restore data and applications. With the development of technology, not only the value of the data has increased, but also the number of dangers to which it is exposed. The next step towards modernization was to develop mechanisms that enabled efficient Disaster Recovery (DR). This, in the end, led to Business Continuity (BC), that is, ensuring such conditions that even after a failure we are able to recover data and IT infrastructure and continue to work.

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The next step was to use data for other purposes than DR and BC to get additional value from them. Thanks to the re-use of the data we can significantly optimize processes in the company. Secondary data reuse provides, for example:

  1. Effortless tests
  2. Big data analytics
  3. Support for DevOps teams with the ability to reuse backups, replicas and snapshots instantly.

Modernized means mature

Modernized data protection nowadays is more important than ever before. Whether we are talking about ransomware or other disasters, like human error or threats related to new technologies. The purpose of the modern data storage should be the ability to:

  1. Use modern data protection solution to empower your business with secondary storage datasets usage like snapshots or/and replicas. Analytics, tests, reports for instance.
  2. Transparent journey across the cloud platforms involving multi-cloud and hybrid-cloud solutions.
  3. Easy, intelligent, automatic and collision-less actions of employees from various departments in the context of working with backed up data. From the storage perspective the data should be always protected, available and reliable
  4. Preparation of IT infrastructure for implementation of solutions based on artificial intelligence. It is worth to highlight that AI without data is dead.
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Summarizing, modern data protection is: availability – easy to use, efficiency – different departments of your company can use backup copies for their own purposes, automation and orchestration for all backup activities and the secondary data jobs.

Data is the most valuable asset on this planet nowadays. This is the fuel for your business.
