
Storware Backup and Recovery for Red Hat OpenShift Environments

Storware provides comprehensive data protection for Red Hat OpenShift. As a certified Red Hat OpenShift Operator, it ensures seamless integration with OpenShift clusters. Storware will back up OpenShift containers and OpenShift Virtual Machines as well.

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Red Hat OpenShift Backup and Recovery Solution

OpenShift as a developer-centric platform provides a more lightway, automated and predictable way of deploying virtual environments compared to virtual machines. Stateful applications hold information about the system in which they operate – this can be user session files or temporary data. Their loss is only too real and can cause certain problems for the user, which is why backup is recommended.

Storware Backup and Recovery is a certified Red Hat OpenShift Operator, cloud-native data protection solution ready to backup both metadata and persistent volumes attached to pods.

Storware provides consistent data protection with the ability to recover from a specific point in time. Richness of Backup SLAs gives you the option to select the appropriate backup policy and create an optimal backup schedule. Backup SLAs help to easily automate and facilitate the work of data management. Dare to test enterprise-ready and comprehensive data protection solution for OpenShift Container Platform: persistent volumes, deployments/deployment configs (metadata), etcd.


Certified Red Hat OpenShift Operator

Storware Backup and Recovery is a certified Red Hat OpenShift Operator. It’s easy to install via the Red Hat Operator Hub. What’s more, we give you a forever FREE version that supports up to 10 virtual machines or you can unlock the full potential with an extra long 60-day TRIAL version!

Persistent volumes (PVs) data protection

During a backup job, Storware automatically pauses the running deployments to ensure backups are crash-consistent. It collects the information stored on persistent volumes, as well as the configuration meta-data, and exports  thto the backup destination.

Store data in multiple backup providers

Storware provides not only support for all available hypervisors under one license, but also the ability to store data in various types of backup destinations: file system, object storage, enterprise backup providers.

Open RESTful API and CLI

Storware Backup and Recovery is ready to be a part of wider automation or orchestration solutions. All communication between 3rd party systems goes via RESTful API exposed by Storware Server. Tasks are being performed by the Node behind the scenes. End-user is going to use only a 3rd party system to invoke and monitor the status of the tasks.

Backup Strategy for OpenShift: Disk attachment with helper pod

Helper Pod to copy data from specific deployment

  • crash-consistent backups (file-level or block level when Ceph RBD is used)
  • backup of deployment/deployment config metadata and of attached PVs
  • PV exclusion
  • restore operation recreates deployments and copy data into the appropriate PVs
  • option to edit PV configuration during restore
  • option to pause deployment during backup for better consistency
Learn more

Why to backup OpenShift Container Platform?

There are two main reasons to implement backup and recovery services for Red Hat OpenShift: not all containers are stateless (persistent volumes) and it is easier (or even possible) to recover data in the event of a disaster, for example: infrastructure / hardware failures, data center outages, human mistakes, data loss, natural disasters.

Scalability via multi-node architecture

Storware server – basically it’s a metadata server. It holds all of the configuration files (configuration metadata of backups) and it’s a central management point of Storware backup solution

Storware Nodes – they can be deployed as a part of the OpenShift operator or they can reside outside of the OpenShift cluster, so that they can protect multiple clusters or you can protect a cluster with a single node.

Storware Backup and Recovery 7.1 - Architecture

What would you like to do now?

Under one license we give you unparalleled freedom of choice – starting from the hypervisor and ending at the backup destination. That’s the way we build future-proof solutions.