
The most important functionalities of the backup software in 2019

In June 2019, Statista has published the results of the survey on the most important functions in the data backup software. The survey was carried out among companies around the world. Its results are very interesting and show what software users pay the most attention to.

The IT market has accustomed us to the fact that price is not a decisive factor. Below we present the 10 highest rated employees, together with a score (from 0 to 5). For us it is very valuable information and we are happy when our values ​​match the expectations of our current and future clients.

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We present you the TOP 10. From the highest rated:

1. Product stability – 4.59

2. File-based recovery – 4.5

3. Technical support – 4.45

4. Ability to protect everything in your environment (Virtual, Physical, SaaS) – 4.37

5. Easy of use – 4.27

6. Cost – 4.27

7. Instant recovery / virtualization on-premises – 4.23

8. Product documentation – 4.06

9. Long-term retention and archiving – 4.05

10. Disaster recovery testing – 4.05

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