
‘Ocean of Changes’ Competition – Announcement of Results

On Monday, December 6, we will announce the results of the “Ocean of Changes” competition, which we organized together with The Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IO PAN)!

We asked you how our world will change in the next 30 years? The number of submitted applications surprised us very positively! Thank you. Although we are a technology company, we feel responsible for the condition of our environment and for providing reliable information about the ongoing global climate change. Because when we think about IT, we want to see GreenIT.

The official announcement of the results will take place at the UN Digital Summit – IGF 2021, in which we also participate as Storware. On Monday, December 6 at 9.30 am, there will be a panel discussion at this conference: Ocean of change – How to use online resources efficiently to promote sustainable development. Our CEO, Jan Sobieszczański, will be the voice of business and the IT industry there!

If you want to participate online, please sign up here: https://www.intgovforum.org/en/content/igf-2021-registration

You will also be able to check the results at www.oceanofchanges.com

Thank you very much for all the submitted works. They were wise, inspirational, and very aware of what misuse of resources and ignorance can lead to.

Be there with us!

text written by:

Angelika Jeżewska, CMO at Storware