
DellEMC Channel Technology Event with S4E

DellEMC Channel Technology Event with S4E

Warsaw, October 17th, 2017

Due to the fruitful cooperation with S4E, a Polish distributor of vProtect, Storware participated in the DellEMC Channel Technology Event. The event that took place in the SoundGarden Conference Center in Warsaw brought together around 200 DellEMC partners from Poland. It was a perfect occassion to show new vProtect 3.1 to the broader audience. vProtect integrates with DellEMC technology, allowing to store backups of virtual machines in DDBooSt FS plug-in and in DellEMC NetWorker. Event site

Paweł Mączka Photo

text written by:

Pawel Maczka, CTO at Storware