Knowledge we want to share
How to manage daily backup & recovery operation from oVirt RHV UI
24th September, 2020
Paweł Mączka, CTO at Storware
In June 2020 Storware created a project on GitHub called oVirt engine UI vProtect extensions to make life easier for all our customers, who would like to simplify their day to day backup & recovery operations on oVirt based platforms. Learn more
The Role of Ceph in vProtect Architecture and in Red Hat Products
20th August, 2020
Zbigniew Parys, Solution Architect at Red Hat
Paweł Mączka, CTO, VP at Storware
It’s time to discover SDS (Software-defined Storage) in which Ceph is gaining more and more popularity. The solution is trendy for a reason, as it enables cooperation with such solutions as OpenStack, OpenShift / OKD or KVM / QEMU. It also provides many ways to access stored resources.
Migration from VMware to Red Hat Virtualization
What is Red Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure (RHHI) for Virtualization. Deep insight in HCI.
OpenShift for Developers part 2. How to streamline application delivery
07th January, 2020
Jarosław Stakun, Lead Solutions Architect at Red Hat
Marcin Kubacki, Chief Software Architect at Storware.
Red Hat OpenShift version 4 introduces an ecosystem of solutions for developing and implementing applications. It is a tool designed to provide the user with programmer-oriented experience.
How to set up your virtual environments with Red Hat Satellite
What is Red Hat CloudForms? Ansible for oVirt/RHV – Part III
17th December, 2019
Jacek Skorzynski – Senior Solution Architect, CEE at Red Hat
Pawel Maczka – CTO, VP at Storware
What is Red Hat CloudFroms? What we can do more with it? What it adds to the RHV/oVirt and Ansible use cases? During our webinar we will address the questions above and many more.
Red Hat OpenShift for Developers Part I – Developer toolset
04th December, 2019
Jarosław Stakun – Lead Solutions Architect at Red Hat
Paweł Mączka – CTO, VP at Storware
Introduction to open source tools for developers in OpenShift 4. How OpenShift Container Platform can accelerate application development using set of open source tools?
Red Hat OpenShift 4 – what’s new?
Getting started with Red Hat OpenShift
06th June, 2019
Jaroslaw Stakuń - Lead Solution Architect at Red Hat
Paweł Mączka - CTO, VP at Storware
Learn what is containerization and how it can support the operation of different teams in your company. Gain basic knowledge on how to use OpenShift Container Platform to deploy a new application in Kubernetes environments.
How to use Ansible on oVirt/Red Hat Virtualization (RHV) for admin task automation
The role of open virtualization in a modern data center
12th March, 2019
Wojciech Furmankiewicz from Red Hat
Paweł Mączka from Storware
Presented webinar shows how we can use virtualization in a modern data center. You will get familiar with Cloudforms, Red Hat Virtualization and Ansible (leading technology for automation and configuration management), and learn about their role in this process. Virtualization nowadays is transparent, yet powerful and scalable. Additionally, it can significantly boost the performance of your business and lower the costs of IT infrastructure management. It is also a solid foundation for upcoming trends like microservices and containerisation.
oVirt and its capabilities – tutorial. Deployment and configuration.
oVirt and its capabilities – tutorial. Deployment and configuration.
20th February, 2019
Zbigniew Parys, Solution Architect at Red Hat
Marcin Kubacki, Chief Software Architect at Storware
Github project called DRoVirt has been created to address the need of Disaster-Recovery process of oVirt/RHV environments. DRoVirt’s main objective is to provide a simple way to replicate VMs running on one oVirt environment.