Turn on, tune in and drop out!
Music recharges the batteries faster than a double espresso. Maybe it’s a coincidence, or maybe some peculiarity of IT people that they like playing music… or maybe they just like to play as a team? Here are some teams that the Storware Backupmonster Team people play for!
Bare Machine
Bare Machine – ‘youth rules’ you might feel like saying… Maybe their age and youthfulness are not much to boast about, but this new line-up are pushing to the front in the world of office rock, and have already been on tour despite only having two songs to their name. With its roots in the IT industry, their highly thematic music takes its inspiration from the best models of backup rock and metal. Rising above their heads in the glow of information technology is Backupmonster – Satan incarnate of bare metal (Bare Machine).
Bare Machine
UltraMuffin is a mature project created by some very immature people… or just the opposite. The band was formed in Bielsko-Biała in 2019 and focuses primarily on having a whole bunch of fun in the spirit of rock ‘n’ roll. Their lyrics are anthems to the charms, temptations and absurdities of life, while their visual presence is a long way from the hostesses at motor shows. Because although we’re dealing with ART – we don’t have to be too serious.
Super Toxic Snake
Super Toxic Snake – lively but simple in form whatever metal that is catchy despite some musical imperfections. Five greying metal music fans doing all they can to prove that age is unimportant when it comes to the guitar. Meet The Meat, Shepard, Koraz, Vent and Paput in something you’ve never seen before… just hit the YouTube button!
Super Toxic Snake
Backupmonster likes to party!
Sometimes the best you can see is not the bug-free code, but the faces of your colleagues! But seriously, the company is people. No matter if you work in pajamas, a suit or a Stormtrooper helmet, we stick together, support each other and solve problems.